Email Us at Your Convenience
Open markets increase competition and drive prices down.
Tell us your payday loan story
Send your story to
- You know that we will be happy to hear from you, and if your story is appropriate we will post it on our site.
- If you would like to take back the ability to get a loan when you need a loan and find the best terms that you can for a loan on the open market, without regulators telling companies what they have to charge you for that loan, let us know.
- Less regulation means more competition, which means less cost for consumers.
- We will do our best to answer any questions for you; we know that your story may just prevent someone else from making a mistake.
- With a lot of luck, your story may be the one that open’s legislators eyes so that they will not take away your right to get a loan when you need it at the best terms you can get.